
Showing posts from November 15, 2015

PHPMixBill V5 mikrotik Billing Solutions

New Features: =================================================== – New Coding (ORM & Smarty) – New Design (responsive) – NEW API Mikrotik (PEAR2_Net_RouterOS) – Multi Router Mikrotik – Hotspot & PPPOE – Easy Installation – Multi Language and many more… STEPS: Installation =================================================== Auto Installer: 1. Unzip the contents of the zip file to a folder on your computer. 2. Upload the Entire phpmixbill_v5.0 folder to your website / server 3. Next you can rename the folder to whatever you like (billing, finance, manage etc..) 4. Now visit the uploaded location using your web browser to run the installer process. 5. Follow the instructions on screen to install PHPMixBill v5.0. 6. For security, Delete the install directory inside system folder. 7. If you see blank page after installation, it might be your compiled folder permissoon is not writable. Please make permission 755 compiled directory inside ui folder to s...

Asterisk Freepbx Install Guide (CentOS v6, Asterisk v13, Freepbx v12)

This guide covers the installation of  Asterisk®  V12  from source on CentOS.  Assumptions: Console text mode (init 3) Installation done as root user (#) Install Prerequisites Ensure all required packages are installed.  yum -y update && yum -y groupinstall core && yum -y groupinstall base && yum -y install epel-release yum -y install automake gcc gcc-c++ ncurses-devel openssl-devel libxml2-devel unixODBC-devel libcurl-devel libogg-devel libvorbis-devel speex-devel spandsp-devel freetds-devel net-snmp-devel iksemel-devel corosynclib-devel newt-devel popt-devel libtool-ltdl-devel lua-devel sqlite-devel radiusclient-ng-devel portaudio-devel libresample-devel neon-devel libical-devel openldap-devel gmime-devel mysql-devel bluez-libs-devel jack-audio-connection-kit-devel gsm-devel libedit-devel libuuid-devel jansson-devel libsrtp-devel git subversion libxslt-devel kernel-devel audiofile-devel gtk2-devel libti...

How To Install nginx on CentOS 6 with yum

nginx is a high performance web server software. It is a much more flexible and lightweight program than apache. Set Up The steps in this tutorial require the user to have root privileges. You can see how to set that up in theCentOS Initial Server Setup Tutorial in steps 3 and 4. Step One—Install EPEL EPEL stands for Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux. Because yum as a package manager does not include the latest version of nginx in its default repository, installing EPEL will make sure that nginx on CentOS stays up to date. To install EPEL, open terminal and type in: sudo yum install epel-release Step Two—Install nginx To install nginx, open terminal and type in: sudo yum install nginx After you answer yes to the prompt twice (the first time relates to importing the EPEL gpg-key), nginx will finish installing on your virtual private server. Step Three—Start nginx nginx does not start on its own. To get nginx running, type: sudo /etc/init.d/nginx sta...