
System Requirements:

  • 2 GB of hard disk space
  • 128M or more memory, OpenVZ recommended 192MB or more (small memory Do not use the 64-bit systems)
  • Linux is case-sensitive, enter the command Note!
  • Installation steps:

    1, landing putty or similar SSH tools;
    After landing run: screen-S lnmp
    If you are prompted to screen command does not exist can be executed: yum install screen or apt-get install screen installation, detailed screen tutorial click here .
    2 Download LNMP a key installation package:
    You can choose to use the download version (recommended foreign or American VPS) or the full version (recommended domestic VPS use)
    For the download version execute the command: wget-c
    For the full version execute the command: wget-c of
    After the download is complete LNMP a key installation package will be downloaded to your server or VPS (generally not login as root then switch directories should be in / root below).
    3, unpacked LNMP a key installation package:
    Run: the tar zxvf lnmp0.9.tar.gz or tar zxvf lnmp0.9-full.tar.gz will LNMP a key installation package unzip.
    4, begin installation LNMP a key installation package:
    The In entering LNMP installation directory, execute: cd lnmp0.9 / or cd lnmp0.9-full /
    Before running the installation program requires you to confirm your Linux distribution, you can do: cat / etc / issue see CentOS, Debian or Ubuntu, can also be viewed on the Control Panel by VPS service provider. Determined after the selection below corresponding system installation command:
    CentOS system <br \> execute. / 2> & 1 | tee lnmp.log (if the system is Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (RHEL) need to ensure that yum can the normal install software, RHEL install yum tutorial )
    The <br \> perform under Debian system. / 2> & 1 | tee lnmp.log
    The Ubuntu system <br \> perform. / 2> & 1 | tee lnmp.log
    After the install command is executed, the following interface will appear:

    Input to bind the domain name (recommended to use a second-level domain name, the domain name will be bound to the / home / wwwroot /, easy management if the input error, you can hold down Ctrl and press the Backspace key to delete), the input is complete car, will display the following interface:
    (Note: if Debian system, enter the domain name will prompt Where are your servers located? Asia, america, europe, oceania or africa here is to select the server or VPS in which continents are generally the U.S. the VPS, press Enter on the line directly If, enter asia, Enter.)

    MySQL root password, and then enter to set the input is complete, press Enter, and will display the following interface:

    If you need to install the InnoDB can enter y enter, do not need, then you can directly enter. Enter will display the following interface:

    Prompt "Press any key to start ...", press the Enter key to start the installation.
    LNMP script will automatically compile Nginx, MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin, Zend Optimizer installed several software.
    5, the installation is complete, the following interface the <br \> If:

    That have been installed successfully.

    If you see the following interface:

    The description is not installed successfully! ! Need to use winscp to lnmp0.9 directory under find lnmp.log, and downloaded to LNMP support forum posting indicate your system, 32-bit or 64-bit, and lnmp.log spread form as an attachment to a forum, we through logs to find the error, and feedback on the posts.

    Web Host Manager

    1, to add a virtual host, execute the following command: / root / prompted to enter the domain name to bind Enter, if you need to add more domain names, type y, and then enter additional binding domain, multiple The domain name can be separated by a space (Note: with www and without www different domain, with www and without www domain need to access the same site at the same time binding). Then enter the directory (absolute directory, such as / home / wwwroot / lnmp binding domain, if not filled by default is / home / wwwroot / binding domain, the directory does not necessarily have to be / home / wwwroot / if / data / below a lot of space can also fill in / data / www / lnmp the class.), and then choose whether to add a pseudo-static rule, default The already discuz discuzx, wordpress, sablog, emlog, dabr, the phpwind, wp2 (secondary directory wp pseudo-static), can directly enter the name of the above, if you need to add custom pseudo-static rules directly enter a desired name, the program will automatically create pseudo static files directly in the / usr / local / nginx / conf / pseudo-static custom name. conf which add a pseudo-static rules (Note: The finished adding the implementation of the / etc / init.d / nginx restart restart to take effect). Next will prompt the need to enable the log function, under normal circumstances do not need to start on the line directly input n For a start, enter y, then enter the name of the log file you want to define, and carriage returns will automatically add the virtual host.
    2, delete the virtual host, ssh execute: rm / usr / local / nginx / conf / vhost / domain name. Conf

    Install additional components

    (Note: Install the following components must in lnmp0.9 installation directory, that lnmp compression unpack cd lnmp0.9 / directory!, If you can not find do find /-name find.)
    (Note: You need the following components are not necessarily your needs!) 1, the installation the PureFTPd and FTP management panel, execute the following command: your MySQL root password / When prompted, enter the password of the FTP user management panel, a MySQl The FTP database password (which can directly enter a password automatically generated) , press Enter, it will automatically install PureFTPd, suggesting installing PureFTPd perform http:// your domain name or IP / ftp / input before you set the password of the FTP user management panel, you can manage FTP browser.
    2, install eAccelerator, execute the following command:. /, follow the prompts to select the version, press Enter, and it will automatically install and restart the web service.
    Install ionCube, execute the following command:. / press Enter, it will automatically install and restart the web service.
    The installation imageMagick, execute the following command:. / press Enter, it will automatically install and restart the web service.
    5, install memcached, execute the following command: / press Enter, it will automatically install and restart the web service.

    Upgrade program

    Upgrade Nginx version, execute the following command: / prompted nginx version number, such as 1.0.10, version number can from get the. (Note: the upgrade process, MySQL, PHP-FPM will be suspended.)
    7 upgrade PHP version, execute the following command:. / prompted, enter your php version number, such as 5.3.6. (Note: some websites, such as shopex have compatibility issues, before the upgrade, make sure you use the program to support the 5.3 version upgrade process Nginx, MySQL, PHP-FPM will be suspended. 5.4 version of the case of the test yet test version, production environment, do not upgrade to 5.4. *.)

    State management

    LNMP state management: / root / lnmp {start | stop | reload | restart | the kill | status}
    Nginx state management :/ etc / init.d / nginx {start | stop | reload | restart}
    PHP-FPM state management :/ etc / init.d / php-fpm {start | stop | quit | restart | reload | logrotate}
    The PureFTPd state management: / etc / init.d / pureftpd {start | stop | restart | the kill | status}
    MySQL state management :/ etc / init.d / mysql {start | stop | restart | reload | force-reload | status}
    The Memcached state management :/ etc / init.d / memcached {start | stop | restart}

    The related graphics interface program

    phpinfo: http:// previously entered domain name or IP / phpinfo.php
    phpMyAdmin: http:// the front input the domain name or IP / phpmyadmin /
    The probe: http:// in front to enter the domain name or IP / p.php
    PureFTP management domain name or IP interface: http:// the front input / ftp /
    Memcached test page: http:// previously entered domain name or IP / memcached.php

    LNMP related directory

    nginx: / usr / local / nginx
    mysql: / usr / local / mysql
    php: / usr / local / php
    Site Directory: / home / wwwroot /
    Nginx log directory :/ home / wwwlogs /
    / Root / add virtual host configuration file directory where :/ usr / local / nginx / conf / vhost /

    LNMP configuration file

    Nginx main configuration file :/ usr / local / nginx / conf / nginx.conf
    Add the virtual host configuration file / root / :/ usr / local / nginx / conf / vhost / domain name. Conf
    MySQL configuration file :/ etc / my.cnf
    PHP configuration file :/ usr / local / php / etc / php.ini
    php-fpm configuration file :/ usr / local / php / etc / php-fpm.conf
    PureFtpd configuration file :/ usr / local / pureftpd / pure-ftpd.conf
    PureFtpd MySQL configuration file :/ usr / local / pureftpd / pureftpd-mysql.conf
    Note: LNMP a key installation package 0.9 & LNMPA in DiaHosting (thanks to provide testing the VPS) VPSYOU (thank provided to test the VPS), PhotonVPS (thank provided to test the VPS) VPSZZ , the Linode , XeHost Regal open source VPS , YardVPS , Hostigation test by , MyHost123 , ThrustVPS BuyVM , DirectSpace and many other U.S. VPS, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu 32-bit and 64-bit systems. Small memory Do not use the 64-bit system (Debian5 system source is a problem, please use Debian6!)


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